what happens to your body when you produce too much urine

Virtually people urinate about 4 to six times a day, mostly in the daytime. Usually, adults pass between 3 cups (700 milliliters) and three quarts (3 liters) of urine a day. Excessive urination can refer to

  • An increased volume of urine (polyuria)

  • A normal volume of urine with the need to go more than oft (urinary frequency)

  • Both

Some of the causes of increased urine volume differ from those of besides-frequent urination. However, because many people who produce excessive amounts of urine also demand to urinate oft, these 2 symptoms are ofttimes considered together.

The nigh mutual causes of urinary frequency are

The nigh common causes of polyuria in both adults and children are

  • Drinking likewise much fluid (polydipsia)

  • Diabetes insipidus

  • Taking diuretic drugs or substances (which increase the excretion of urine), such equally alcohol or caffeine

Many people are embarrassed to discuss problems related to urination with their physician. But because some disorders that cause excessive urination are quite serious, people who urinate excessively should be evaluated by a physician. The following information tin can help people know when to come across a doctor and what to wait during the evaluation.

In people with excessive urination, sure symptoms and characteristics are cause for concern. They include

  • Weakness of the legs

  • Fever and dorsum hurting

  • Sharp onset or onset during the showtime few years of life

  • Dark sweats, cough, and weight loss, particularly in a person who has an extensive smoking history

  • A mental health disorder

Doctors ask about

  • Amounts of fluid drunk and urinated to determine whether the problem is related to urinary frequency or to polyuria

  • How long symptoms take been present

  • Whether any other urination problems are nowadays

  • Whether the person is taking diuretics (drugs and other substances that increment urine product), including beverages that contain caffeine

Some obvious findings may give clues to the cause of frequent urination. Pain or burning during urination, fever, and dorsum or side pain may signal an infection. In a person who drinks large amounts of beverages that contain caffeine or who has just started treatment with a diuretic, the diuretic substance is a probable crusade. A man who has other issues with urination, such as difficulty starting urination, a weak urine stream, and dribbling at the finish of urination, may have a prostate disorder.

In women, the physical examination usually includes a pelvic examination and the taking of samples of cervical and vaginal fluid to cheque for sexually transmitted infections. In men, the penis is examined for presence of a discharge, and doctors do a digital rectal examination to examine the prostate.


Doctors exercise a urinalysis Urinalysis and Urine Civilization Urinalysis, the testing of urine, may be necessary in the evaluation of kidney and urinary tract disorders and tin also help evaluate bodywide disorders such as diabetes or liver bug. A... read more Urinalysis and Urine Culture and often urine culture Urinalysis and Urine Civilization Urinalysis, the testing of urine, may be necessary in the evaluation of kidney and urinary tract disorders and can besides help evaluate bodywide disorders such as diabetes or liver bug. A... read more Urinalysis and Urine Culture on most people. The demand for other testing depends on what doctors find during the history and physical exam (see table Some Causes and Features of Excessive Urination Some Causes and Features of Excessive Urination Some Causes and Features of Excessive Urination ). If doctors are non sure whether the person is really producing more urine than normal, they may collect and measure the corporeality of urine produced over 24 hours. If people really have polyuria, doctors measure the blood glucose level. If diabetes mellitus is non the cause of polyuria and no other cause, such every bit excess intravenous fluids, is clearly responsible, other testing is necessary. The levels of electrolytes and concentration of sure salts (osmolarity) are measured in the blood, urine, or both, often later on the person is deprived of water for a time and after the person is given antidiuretic hormone.

The best way to treat excessive urination is to treat the underlying disorder. For example, diabetes mellitus is treated with diet and exercise plus insulin injections and/or drugs taken by mouth. In some cases, people tin reduce excessive urination by decreasing their intake of coffee or alcohol. People troubled past awakening at dark to urinate (nocturia) may need to reduce fluids before bedtime.

Children with nighttime urination (bedwetting) can as well be managed with motivational therapy, in which they are rewarded for practicing behaviors that reduce bedwetting (for example, with stickers on a calendar for going to the bathroom before going to bed). If motivational therapy does not work, urination alarms may so be tried. If other measures fail, doctors may prescribe oral desmopressin to control excessive thirst and urination

Doctors may also adjust the dosage of diuretics that may contribute to excessive urination. Adults with nocturia can be treated with float relaxants and medications to prevent bladder spasms. Resistant cases can as well exist treated with desmopressin.

  • Urinary tract infections are the well-nigh common cause of urinary frequency in children and women.

  • Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is the most mutual crusade of polyuria.

  • Beneficial prostatic hyperplasia is a common cause in men over 50.

  • Excessive intake of caffeine can crusade urinary frequency in all people.


Source: https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/kidney-and-urinary-tract-disorders/symptoms-of-kidney-and-urinary-tract-disorders/urination-excessive-or-frequent

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